
For each individual, the pregnancy journey is significantly different and your care during this period should reflect this.


Services Offered

Amanda offers the following pregnancy services at both Jessie McPherson and Cabrini Hospitals:

Pre-pregnancy Counselling

It is important to optimise your health and any pre-existing medical conditions that you may have prior to your pregnancy. During your pre-pregnancy consultation, Amanda will take a detailed history of your past medical and obstetric history, along with any pregnancy complications that you may have had. Following this, potential strategies are discussed, with the aim of achieving the best possible pregnancy outcomes.

Complete Antenatal Care

Regardless of whether your pregnancy is considered to be high-risk or uncomplicated, Amanda is able to look after you from conception to your birth. 

Her antenatal care includes performing bedside ultrasounds during every consultation.

Complicated Vaginal Births

Amanda manages complicated vaginal births such as twins and breech deliveries. Every woman has a right to make an informed choice regarding her mode of birth. Amanda is committed to providing you with ample time to discuss your birth preferences throughout your pregnancy and the option of proceeding with a vaginal twin or breech birth if appropriate.

High Risk Pregnancies

Amanda is able to provide care for pregnancies that are higher risk, including but not limited to:

  • Twin pregnancies
  • Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)
  • Previous pregnancy complications such as preterm birth, growth restriction and stillbirth
  • Maternal medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac conditions, autoimmune disorders and mental health conditions.
  • Pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction.

Amanda is part of a weekend on-call group consisting of Dr. Peter Neil, Assoc. Prof Ryan Hodges, Dr. Annie Kroushev, Dr. Kirsten Palmer and Dr. Danielle Wilkins (Cabrini only).

Antenatal visits & tests during pregnancy

During your first consultation, I will discuss your past history and any concerns that you have leading into this pregnancy.
From this we will make a plan for your pregnancy that we will continue to update during subsequent consultations. This initial consultation is usually undertaken between 7–10 weeks gestation, which I can confirm with an ultrasound in the rooms.

Please bring with you copies of any investigations that you have already undertaken with your general practitioner.

 on her stomach

Blood Group & Antibody Screen

If you are a Rhesus negative blood group, we will test your antibody levels again at 26–28 weeks gestation alongside your diabetes screening.

Patients who are Rhesus negative should receive Anti-D at approximately 28 and 34 weeks gestation, along with after the birth.

Anti-D should also be given if there are any episodes of bleeding during the pregnancy.

More info


During pregnancy, it is important to test all women for the presence of maternal infections such as HIV, syphilis, rubella and Hepatitis B and C.

These infections can cause complications for both mother and baby.

Extra care and monitoring is required during pregnancy if any of these infections are present.

Full Blood Count & Iron Stores (Ferritin)

If anaemia is present, I may undertake further investigations to determine the cause.

Iron deficiency in pregnancy is commonly treated with oral iron supplementation (such as Ferrograd-C or Maltofer). A repeat Full blood count and Ferritin level is undertaken between 26-28 weeks to determine if oral iron supplementation has been effective.

If further treatment is required for iron deficiency, I may discuss with you the need for an iron infusion.

Gestational Diabetes Screening

Between 26 and 28 weeks, screening for gestational diabetes in pregnancy is undertaken. This is a 2 hour test which involves fasting from midnight and measuring your body's response to a set amount of glucose.

If diabetes is diagnosed, I will discuss with you optimising your diet and exercise in pregnancy. A referral will also be made to an endocrinologist who specialises in the management of diabetes in pregnancy.

More Info


Ultrasounds are used throughout your pregnancy, both formally with an ultrasonographer and during your antenatal appointments at the bedside.

In the first trimester, a dating scan is performed to determine your due date, to establish the number of babies present and the wellbeing of the pregnancy.

Around 12wks, a nuchal translucency ultrasound is performed which measures the thickness of the skin at the back of the neck to assist in determining the risk of genetic abnormalities such as Downs Syndrome. This scan can also look at other structures such as the brain and heart. Even if you have an NIPT, we would still recommend undertaking this scan.

Between 20-22wks, a formal mid-trimester morphology ultrasound is undertaken. This scan looks at the anatomy of the baby in detail, as well as the location of the placenta and the length of your cervix.

As a part of your antenatal visits after 24wks, I will conduct bedside ultrasounds to measure the growth of your baby and how your placenta is functioning.

Occasionally, I will need to order additional formal ultrasounds after 24wks, especially in the context of multiple pregnancies.

Mid-stream Urine

Urinary tract infections are more common in pregnancy and not everyone will experience symptoms or become unwell.

It is important to test for the presence of a urinary tract infection in pregnancy, as left untreated, it can increase the risk of preterm birth.

Genetic Screening

There are 3 main genetic conditions that can be screened for in pregnancy:

  • Downs Syndrome (also known as Trisomy 21)
  • Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18)
  • Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)

These conditions can be screened for in 3 ways:

  1. The combined first trimester screening test, which uses an ultrasound at 11-13 weeks and a blood test at 10-13 weeks.
  2. Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) is a blood test that can be taken from 10 weeks gestation. The NIPT can also screen for some conditions which involve the sex chromosomes. An ultrasound between 12 -13 weeks is also recommended for a preliminary assessment of fetal anatomy.
  3. The second trimester screening test is a blood test that can be taken between 14-20 weeks.

If any of these tests come back as high risk, we will discuss about whether we need to proceed with further investigations in order to provide a diagnosis.

More Info

GBS Screening

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a bacteria that occurs as part of the normal vaginal environment in approximately 20% of women.

It does not cause infection in these women, however if it is present during a vaginal birth, there is a 1 in 200 risk of the baby developing a severe infection.

At 36 weeks gestation, I will discuss GBS screening with you and the use of preventative antibiotics in labour if you test positive.

More Info
Photo of a smiling mother holding her recently born baby


Throughout your pregnancy, we will continue to discuss planning for your birth and the most appropriate mode of delivery.
I do recommend attending childbirth education classes conducted by either Jessie McPherson or Cabrini hospitals. In addition, I have the wonderful midwife Peta Sergeant who is there for you to provide further 1-on-1 childbirth education and any additional support that you may require either antenatally or postnatally.
I encourage women to attempt a vaginal birth in the absence of a medical indication for a caesarean section. I am committed to discussing any concerns or questions that you have regarding your birth and ultimately the final decision is yours.

Please find below some links to helpful information regarding birth

Labour and Birth
Monitoring your baby’s heart rate during labour
Pain relief during labour and birth
Induction of labour
Caesarean Section
Vaginal birth after Caesarean section
Breech Presentation
Assisted birth

Postnatal resources

The beginning of this new and exciting chapter of your life is filled with such a mixture of emotions. During your pregnancy, I work together with you to identify any concerns that you may have regarding the postnatal period, in order to make the transition as smooth as possible. You will also have the extra benefit of access to midwife Peta Sergeant on a weekly basis after your birth, a service offered by only a limited number of obstetricians.
Here is a helpful handout regarding the first few weeks post birth

I have compiled the following resources to assist you to prepare and utilise during the postnatal period:

Photo of smiling woman holding her infant child


We know that ‘breast is best’ when it comes to feeding in the first six months. However many of us are not adequately prepared for the various challenges that breastfeeding can present, particularily during those fragile first weeks.

I would encourage you to spend some time working through the great resource that is the Australian Breastfeeding Association’s website during your pregnancy. Please discuss any concerns that you have regarding feeding with me during your antenatal appointments.

Mental Health

Pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period is a time in which women are more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is estimated that 1 in 10 women experience these mental health conditions during this period. Thankfully, there has been an improvement in the diagnosis, treatment and acceptance of mental health conditions in the perinatal period.

Below is a list of resources to help educate you regarding your mental health during pregnancy and postnatally, along with the available support services.

Beyond blue healthy families. A great resource for assisting you through pregnancy and in the transition to parenthood.
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA)
RANZCOG’s patient information sheet on perinatal depression and anxiety.

I specialise in the management of mental health conditions during pregnancy and I am committed to helping you navigate through the perinatal period with the assistance of a multidisciplinary team.

Commonly Asked Questions

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your pregnancy or birth that are not listed here, please write them down so we can discuss them during your next appointment.

Can I travel during pregnancy?

Most airlines restrict travel on a flight greater than 4 hours duration past 36wks if a single pregnancy and 32wks if a multiple pregnancy. Please check the airline website for their individual restrictions regarding air travel and pregnancy.

If you are travelling during the third trimester, you should carry a letter stating that it is safe for you to fly and your pregnancy record, in case you need to attend a health service whilst away.

Please consider the following when planning your travel during pregnancy:

  • What medical services are present at the destination?
  • Does my insurance cover me and my baby if something were to go wrong whilst away?
  • Will i need to take any precautions regarding mosquito-borne viruses
Please read this handout for further information regarding travel in pregnancy

What about the Zika virus and travel during pregnancy?

The most up-to-date information regarding travel and the risk of Zika virus can be found here.

What are considered 'normal' fetal movements?

Every pregnancy is different with regards to when you first feel your baby move. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel any movements until 18-20wks.

You may begin to feel the movements earlier in subsequent pregnancies. There is no set number of fetal movements that is considered normal and each pregnancy will be different.

The most important thing to be aware of is the pattern of your baby’s movements throughout the day. If this pattern changes or you are concerned, then please don’t hesitate to contact the hospital using the phone numbers in your pregnancy record.

Further information regarding fetal movements is available here.

Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe to exercise during pregnancy. Exercise assists in preventing excessive weight gain and in the management of diabetes during pregnancy, along with the established psychological benefits.The intensity and amount of exercise will depend on your pre-pregnancy level of fitness. It is not the time to begin a new strenuous form of exercise, as you are at increased risk of injury during pregnancy.

Here's a helpful set of guidelines regarding exercise in pregnancy

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(03) 9562 9758